Sunday 7th July 

Leader: John Jones

Photos:  John Jones, Clive Horsforth, Kerstin Nagel



On a warm, dry day with broken cloud, 10 walkers parked at Hutton Roof church for an exploration of Hutton Roof Crags. After walking down to the centre of the village the path opposite the road junction directly up the front of the crags was taken. The route of the 1890 Thirlmere aqueduct was pointed out along the foot of the crags. The limestone erratic, Hanging Scar, was inspected, somewhat obscured by bracken. Also due to the bracken, the Cuckoo Stone was not visited. The leader apologised for this oversite in the timing of the walk!

Further up the ascent the Rinnenkarren on the back of the fourth limestone tier were viewed, somewhat obscured by summer growth. These are caused by rainwater erosion running down the steeply sloping limestone and are unique to the UK.

Passing through Blasterfoot Gap (no body parts were found) the Climbers Cliff was passed where several climbers were practicing their skills. The North East summit (876ft) was visited via a short section of dense bracken and then on to join the Potslacks path. This was followed northwest to its summit at Three Cairns where a short stop was made. A short detour was made to the top of Uberash Breast where the massive Holme Park quarry was viewed.

Heading southwest a small but distinct path was followed to the Trig Point on the southeast summit. The Turtle Rock was not visited on the way due again to the growth of the summer vegetation. Unexpectedly, near the Trig Point, one member met her parents, who were out walking their dog!

After a short rest, a northeast path was followed initially on the open fell and then back into the dense woodland, above Park Wood, eventually re-joining the Potslacks path.

A steepish descent led to Braithwaite’s Stone where the inscription was inspected and the known history of John Braithwaite, blacksmith and family man of Hutton Roof, (supplied by local historian Kath Hayhurst), was read out by the leader. John would have been 26 or 27 when he carved the inscription in 1836, married Eleanor Armor of Burton in 1840, had two children (1851 census) and was still living in Hutton Roof age 65 in 1873 (Kelly’s Directory).

Walking on past the Stone, a doline (collapsed underground cave) was entered and then the ridge in front of the Climber Cliff ascended.

The return to Hutton Roof was by the charming sunken path leading to Hutton Roof church and the old school.
Perhaps a walk that would be best done on a dry winter’s day, but despite the all-pervading bracken, it was deemed an interesting and enjoyable walk.

Acknowledgments to Peter Standing and Brian Evens whose Geological and Walking Guide, respectively, provided much of the information.

John Jones          9-7-2019